11 Tips to Make Breastfeeding More Comfortable
Breastfeeding isn’t always as sweet and satisfying as people make it look in pictures – if you’re having breastfeeding struggles, you aren’t alone! Discomfort during breastfeeding is common, especially in the early days, and can be discouraging for some new moms. The good news is, there are a few simple tools and techniques that can help make the experience more comfortable for both mom and baby – and help make feeding time something you look forward to rather than dread.
Essential Items for Comfort
A wide array of products are available for whatever your breastfeeding issue may be. Here are a few popular (and some less known) items that can help alleviate discomfort and make breastfeeding easier:
- Nursing Pillows: These provide support for your baby, helping to position them at the right height. They also help relieve pressure on your arms, shoulders, and back by keeping you from hunching over or having to use all your arm strength.
- Nipple Cream: Sore nipples are common, especially in the first few weeks. Lanolin-based creams and balms can help soothe cracked or sore nipples.
- Breast Pads: If you experience leaking between feedings, breast pads can keep you dry and comfortable. You can choose between disposable or reusable pads depending on your preference.
- Breast Shells: These protect sore nipples from rubbing against clothing and can also collect leaking milk, which can be stored for later use.
- Hot/Cold Gel Pads: These can be warmed to encourage milk flow or cooled to relieve engorgement and soothe sore breasts.
- Nipple Shields: These are a nipple-shaped silicone covering worn over the nipple and areola during breastfeeding. Sometimes a nipple shield is needed for women that have flat or inverted nipples, but they can also be used to help reduce irritation on nipples. It is recommended to talk to your doctor or a lactation consultant to determine whether nipple shields are the right choice for you.
Easy Comfort Tips
- Find your Ideal Nursing Position: Your breastfeeding position is one of the biggest factors in nursing comfortably. If it’s uncomfortable, you’re likely causing unnecessary strain on your body, and it may mean baby doesn’t have a good latch. Check out our blog on common breastfeeding positions to help find what works for you.
- Stay Hydrated and Nourished: Your body needs extra fluids and nutrients while breastfeeding. Keep a bottle of water and healthy snacks nearby to stay hydrated and maintain your energy levels.
- Wear Comfortable Clothing: Choose loose, breathable clothing and invest in good-quality nursing bras that provide support without being too tight. Avoid underwire bras, as they can restrict milk flow and cause discomfort.
- Take Breaks and Rest: If you’re feeling overwhelmed or uncomfortable, it’s okay to take a break. Hand baby over to your partner or a loved one for a short time and rest. Rest is essential for your overall well-being.
- Seek Support: If you’re experiencing ongoing discomfort or difficulties, don’t hesitate to reach out for help. Your doctor, lactation consultants, breastfeeding support groups, or even online communities can provide guidance and reassurance.
The information contained is for informational purposes only and is NOT intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. You should not rely solely on this information. Always seek the advice of your healthcare provider.