Mom Support
Let’s Break Down Each Breastfeeding Stage
Terressa Patterson RN BSN MS IBCLC In partnership with Dr. Brown's Company Lactation is a beautiful and complex process that begins long before your baby is born. Even during pregnancy, your body starts preparing for milk production, and you'll notice...
Safe Breast Milk Storage and Handling
Producing breast milk doesn't always come easily, so when you do have enough to save and store, you don't want to lose a drop! Here are some tips to make sure you store and handle your breast milk so you...
Introducing Solid Foods While Continuing to Breast & Bottle Feed
Baby has been getting ALL their nutrients from breast milk and/or formula since day one, but soon it'll be time to introduce them to eating solid foods. This can be a fun adventure for you both! You get to discover...
Different Breast Milk Colors and What They Mean
Terressa Patterson RN BSN MS IBCLCIn partnership with Dr. Brown's Company Breast milk can vary in color for several reasons, and yes, it’s completely normal for breast milk to look different from day to day or month to month. The...
Breast Milk Supply from Birth and Beyond
Terressa Patterson RN BSN MS IBCLCIn partnership with Dr. Brown's Company As your baby grows, your breast milk supply and its composition adapt beautifully to meet your baby's changing nutritional needs. Unlike formula, which stays the same, breast milk is...
Breastfeeding Pain: What is Normal and Tips for Relief
Terressa Patterson RN BSN MS IBCLCIn partnership with Dr. Brown's Company Yes, there can be some mild pain or discomfort associated with breastfeeding, especially in the early days as your body and baby are adjusting. However, it is important to...