Mom Support

  • Parent with Chocolate Sea Salt Lactation Bites

    Natural Galactagogues: Foods & Herbs to Boost Your Breast Milk Supply

    First of all, what is a galactagogue? A galactagogue is any substance used to promote breast milk production. The word itself comes from the Greek roots, "galacta" meaning milk, and "agogue" meaning something that leads to something else. As in:...

  • Pregnant woman with nausea relief drops

    Tips to Help Relieve and Prevent Morning Sickness

    Pregnancy can be a beautiful experience when you're fully in tune with your body and have that patented "glow." Or, it can be downright awful. Many soon-to-be mothers may experience morning sickness. In fact, studies have shown that approximately 70%...

  • Parent drinking lactation smoothie while holding infant

    The Importance of Hydration While Breastfeeding

    Staying hydrated is important for EVERYONE. It keeps us functioning and more importantly, alive! It's easy to dismiss headaches, tiredness, and brain fog as normal symptoms of everyday life, but these can all be symptoms of dehydration, and many of...