The ultimate pumping and breastfeeding schedule guide
Ok, you have decided to breastfeed and your milk supply is good. You know that you have plenty of breastmilk in your breasts and you want to start pumping to save some breastmilk and promote increased lactation.
The easy way to make a smooth transition from breastfeeding and pumping is to have a pumping and breastfeeding schedule planned.
Per the American Academy of Pediatrics and The World Health Organization recommendations best for babies is exclusive breastfeeding for the first 6 months of life.
Exclusive breastfeeding can include pumping breastmilk and feeding the baby from the bottle and does not mean the baby is exclusively nursing at the breast.
Here are some answers to
- What is the best pumping and breastfeeding schedule for you?
- Are breastfeeding and pumping the same when it came to building and maintaining a supply?
Pumping and feeding baby a bottle of breastmilk still gives baby all of the amazing benefits breastmilk has to offer.
If your breastmilk supply has lowered here are some things you can do to promote your lactation and increase breastmilk production. If you have to supplement with infant formula, any amount of breastmilk that your newborn gets is liquid gold, so whatever you can supply, use it and it is worth it!
Here is how to help and come up with the right breastfeeding and pumping schedule for you and we’ll give you sample schedules so that you can meet your breastfeeding goals.
When breastfeeding when should I pump?
Medical professionals recommend delaying pumping for at least to 2 weeks after birth or more if possible.
Is pumping good for breastfeeding?
While you may love feeding your baby, there are times when you need to escape. Sometimes, due to circumstance, you have to leave your child during breastfeeding times. Often, you are working or taking care of other affairs. At other times, you just need time to yourself. This is not unnatural. It is also not a crime, a sin or abandonment. You can also turn your break from breastfeeding into an opportunity. This will allow your husband some time alone with the baby. He can bond with the infant by feeding him or her.
However, if you want to be away from your child during breastfeeding times and still ensure that he or she is breastfed, you need to have a storage of breastmilk that your baby will consume.
You will have to express or pump your breastmilk. You’ll need breastmilk containers for storage and equipment for their sterilization. Be sure to purchase at least 3 to 4 bottles with nipples as well as several freezer bags. These should be sufficient to allow you to pump and store breastmilk. You may also want to purchase some stickers or labels. You can, therefore date them. You can also label them with the contents thus preventing mistaken use.
When should I pump?
You can pump milk when you have excess.
You can also pump breastmilk after a breastfeeding session. In fact, the best time to extract milk if after you have fed the infant.
If you feel full at any time, get out the pump and remove the milk. The pumping action will stimulate further milk production.
In fact, if you are away for longer than 3 or 4 hours, you will need to use the pump. In doing so, you will prevent engorgement.
Be sure to pump or feed your baby at least 3 to 4 ounces per feeding time.
Equipment for exclusive pumping and breastfeeding
There are many things you can prepare for in advance. The most basic of these is physical equipment that may help you breastfeed your baby successfully. One of the most common items you might want to purchase is a pump, presser or expresser. This piece of equipment is used to express milk from your breasts for storage and/or later use. If you want to go back to work, you will need a breastmilk pump. If you want to retain your sanity, you will require a breast pump. A breast pump allows you to spend some time away from your baby while still providing him or her with your breastmilk.
There are a variety of breast pumps from which to choose. You can pick an electric pump, a hand operated version or a foot model. It is a personal choice. Whatever works for you.
You may also want several bags if you plan to freeze the breastmilk. Furthermore, to ensure the milk retains its purity, you will have to have sterilizing equipment.
Clothing is another item you need to consider purchasing. This is not the pregnancy or nursing outfits, although you can opt to buy them. What you will need is a nursing bra. It is good to have 3 or 4 breastfeeding bras. Be sure you obtain the right size and shape. Remember the breastfeeding bra size may fluctuate during the breastfeeding process. Be sure they provide both comfort and convenience.
In addition to the breastfeeding bras, you may need both breast pads and shields. The pads will stop you from lactating into and staining your clothing. The shields are to cover the nipples as well. Shields help protect your sensitive nipples from rubbing or harm. You can also purchase a breast shell to help your breast and its nipple can meet the needs of your baby’s latching demands.
There are other items you may want to purchase in preparation for birth and breastfeeding. You might feel it is necessary to get pillow supports or cushions to help you become comfortable while you feed your baby. Nipple cream may be a purchase if you believe you will need its help in keeping your breasts in perfect functioning condition. There are even chairs touted as breastfeeding chairs.
If you feel you need an specific piece of breastfeeding equipment, talk to your doctor, first. Speak to others who may be helpful and knowledgeable in the area. Go online and see what they offer. There are different sites that offer advice and/or sell specific breastfeeding related products.