
  • Gassy Foods to Avoid While Breastfeeding

    Gassy Foods to Avoid While Breastfeeding

    It is normal for your baby to experience gas, no matter what you eat. For the most part, there’s no need to be worried when your baby passes gas because it is completely normal, but in some situations it may...

  • Newborn nursing 101: Getting on a baby feeding schedule

    Newborn nursing 101: Getting on a baby feeding schedule

    As a new mother there are always tons of questions about nursing and how often exactly you should be doing it with your child. While it will very likely vary due to your child specifically, it is typically recommend that...

  • A Song to Make Your Baby Happy

    A Song to Make Your Baby Happy

    Experts have teamed up to answer a question that any parent wishing to soothe or amuse a little one would appreciate the answer to: What kind of music do babies like? Caspar Addyman, an expert in child development, and Lauren...

  • Baby first food recipes

    Baby first food recipes

    When your baby is first starting off solids it can be difficult to know what exactly they should be eating. While many parents purchase baby food for their child, some parents find that making their own baby food can be...

  • Breastfeeding and Beer: Does it increase milk supply

    Breastfeeding and Beer: Does it increase milk supply?

    Can you drink beer while breastfeeding? Is beer good for breastfeeding? These are just some of the many questions that are asked everyday on this subject. Many people are talked into believing that drinking beer while breastfeeding actually increases your milk...

  • Omegas in Flaxseed: Why they are important for you and your baby

    Omegas in Flaxseed: Why they are important for you and your baby

    Omega-3’s are not only important for growth development but they are key to a healthy diet as well. They are not naturally produced in our bodies but they are found in foods that we consume. Omega-3s are polyunsaturated fatty acids,...